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7 products to bring out coffee flavor in new way

7 products to bring out coffee flavor in new way Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Preparing your favorite coffee can be a true art form. To fully unlock its flavors and indulge your taste buds, you can add some interesting ingredients.

Below are some of the best flavor combinations for coffee lovers.

Coffee with honey

Honey pairs well not just with tea or warm milk. Few people know, but it also complements coffee perfectly. It adds a delicate sweetness and offers health benefits.

If you prefer natural sweeteners, feel free to add honey to your favorite coffee. Start with small amounts to find the ideal level of sweetness.

7 продуктів, які розкриють смак вашої кави по-новому

Lemon in coffee

Traditionally, you've probably only heard of tea with lemon. However, citrus also enhances the flavor of coffee. A squeeze of lemon juice, a slice, or some zest will give your drink a refreshing taste and reduce its bitterness.

Lemon juice can also highlight the acidic notes in your coffee, so experiment cautiously.

Coffee with ice cream

How much do you know about preparing coffee with ice cream? This drink, known as "glacé," means "frozen" in French. While it may resemble a cappuccino or latte, the taste is entirely different.

There are several ways to combine ice cream with coffee. You can place a scoop at the bottom and pour hot coffee over it, or you can serve the coffee first and top it with ice cream. Either way, it will provide an excellent taste experience.

Coffee with cinnamon

Adding cinnamon to coffee has been popular long before the "cinnamon coffee on Thursday" trend. This spice gives your coffee a bold flavor and a sweet aroma. Additionally, cinnamon offers health benefits like boosting the immune system.

You can soak a cinnamon stick in your coffee or sprinkle ground cinnamon on top.

7 продуктів, які розкриють смак вашої кави по-новому

Cardamom in coffee

This spice is more commonly used in Arab cultures. Cardamom adds a distinctive flavor to your coffee, enriching it with citrusy notes and a refreshing finish.

It's best to add cardamom during the brewing process so that it fully releases its properties.

Coffee with condensed milk

Another sweetener option is condensed milk. It gives your coffee a sweet taste, reduces bitterness, and softens any sourness. Plus, it adds a creamy texture.

You can also use condensed milk as a substitute for cream, but keep in mind it's quite sweet, so adjust the proportions to your taste.

Salt in coffee

This might come as a surprise, but salt can enhance coffee's flavors in new ways. It emphasizes the sweetness and reduces excess bitterness.

You can add a pinch of salt during brewing or sprinkle it on top of your finished drink. Either method will result in an intriguing flavor profile.