7 gestures and poses everyone should get rid of

People often don't realize that they have bad habits. Body language can say a lot about personality and feelings. It is worth knowing what habits you need to get rid of in your life, reports the Bright Side website.
Your posture can say a lot about your level of self-confidence. If you slouch, it shows that you feel insecure.
And if you don't fix your posture, slouching might become a habit.
How slouching affects confidence (photo: brightside.me)
Crossing your legs or arms
For many people, it's natural to cross their arms and legs when they're sitting. However, if you are talking to someone, this can be a defensive reaction. It can send the message that you are not ready to talk to the other person or hear what they have to say.
If you keep your arms and legs uncrossed, you will look confident.
A woman with arms and legs crossed (photo: brightside.me)
Rubbing your neck
Rubbing your neck can help relieve stress. Or maybe you just do it to relieve tension in your neck, even if nothing is bothering you.
Either way, be careful what you do with your hands and try to avoid it as much as possible. Otherwise, it may reveal your anxiety and discomfort to other people.
A man is rubbing his neck (photo: brightside.me)
Biting your nails
Another habit that shows other people that you are nervous is biting your nails. It can help you relieve stress, but it also gives away how you feel.
It can also be distracting to the person you're talking to, and they may even find it off-putting.
It's also bad for your nails. And since people judge you by your appearance, you can leave a bad impression.
A woman is biting her nails (photo: brightside.me)
Avoiding eye contact
Avoiding eye contact can indicate that you lack confidence or don't like someone.
On the other hand, looking intensely directly into the other person's eyes can come across as aggressive and make them feel uncomfortable.
A person avoiding eye contact (photo: brightside.me)
Rolling your eyes
This is a clear sign of disrespect. It can also be a relatively harmless act of non-verbal communication with one of your friends to show that you are bored.
However, if you do it after your coworker has said something, it can appear offensive.
Why you need to get rid of the habit to roll your eyes (photo: brightside.me)
Forgetting to smile
People often forget to smile, especially in formal situations. But it's a great way to show confidence and openness.
And it can also make other people smile back and feel more positive and open to you.
Why people need to smile more often (photo: brightside.me)
Earlier, we also wrote about 5 financial habits that you should get rid of right now if you want to get rich.