6 tips to protect your pet during Christmas period

Holiday festivities can easily be dampened by an unexpected trip to the veterinary clinic. To avert a potential disaster with pets, follow six tips, the American Veterinary Medical Association recommends.
No harmful foods
Ensure your pet has no access to treats, especially those containing xylitol, grapes/raisins, onions, or other harmful foods. Typical holiday foods such as chocolate, butter, turkey skin, fat, and candy can make pets very ill.
Keep food out
Protect your pet by keeping people's food out of its reach, and kindly request your guests to do the same.
Dangerous decorations
Avoid leaving your pet alone in a room with lit candles, a decorated tree, or potpourri. Dogs are naturally attracted to gleaming items, and during the holiday season, such things are found throughout the house. To prevent potential injuries and accidents, place these items out of the dog's reach.
Keep holiday plants away
Keep holiday plants, especially holly, mistletoe, and lilies, out of reach of curious pets. If you have a cat, consider omitting tinsel from your tree.
Christmas tree alert
Prevent accidents with the Christmas tree by securing it to avoid tipping over if your dog bumps it or your cat decides to climb it. Hanging lemon-scented car air fresheners in the tree may discourage feline climbing.
Safe space
Create a safe shelter for your pet to escape the festivities, such as a kennel, crate, perching place, scratching post shelf, or hiding spot. If your pet is excitable or anxious, think about placing it in another room with toys and a comfortable bed.
We also wrote about how to protect your cat from a Christmas tree disaster.