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6 tips for washing white clothes so they shine with impeccable cleanliness

6 tips for washing white clothes so they shine with impeccable cleanliness How to properly wash white clothes (Illustrative photo:

White items can quickly get dirty, yellow, or gray, and restoring their freshness may sometimes feel impossible. However, by following a few simple rules, you can effortlessly maintain the brightness of your favorite pieces.

Always turn clothes inside out before washing

Even when following all the washing guidelines, some fabrics can lose their bright whiteness. This is because machine washing can damage the fibers of the material.

Turning clothes inside out before washing helps protect the fabric and maintain its whiteness much longer. It’s a simple step that reduces the risk of color dullness.

Choose frequent but gentle washing

White items get dirty faster, so they should be washed more often, but not too harshly. Using too much detergent or fabric softener can leave residues on the fabric, which over time leads to dirty stains.

When washing white clothes, use minimal detergents, and be sure to select an extra rinse cycle to remove any chemical residues.

Use gentle bleaches

To maintain the whiteness of your items, avoid aggressive bleaches that can damage the fabric. Instead, opt for milder agents with a cumulative effect.

When used regularly, these products help preserve brightness without destroying the fabric's structure. Oxygen bleach or baking soda are excellent natural alternatives for gentle washing.

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A clean white clothes bring joy (photo:

Use natural bleaches

Lemon juice or white vinegar are effective natural bleaches that can help restore the brightness of your items. Add a cup of lemon juice or vinegar during washing to remove stains and soften the fabric.

It’s important to remember that vinegar should not be mixed with chlorine bleach, as this can produce harmful fumes.

Clean stains immediately after wearing

Problem areas, such as collars, cuffs, or underarm zones, get dirty the fastest. To avoid frequent washing of the entire garment, wash these areas right after wearing.

Speed is key in stain removal, especially on white items. The sooner you tackle the stains, the easier it will be to maintain their whiteness.

Wash white clothing separately

White items should be washed separately not only from colored clothes but also from pastel shades like light blue, pink, or beige. White is very sensitive to dyes, and washing them together can lead to a loss of brightness. Additionally, it’s better to wash white clothes in hot water, as it cleans the fabrics more effectively.

The following sources were used in writing the material: the websites and articles of Real Simple, Martha Stewart, and Bob Vila.