6 things not to do in your first week at new job

The first day at a new job is always exciting. To avoid silly mistakes due to nerves, it's important to be prepared for various situations. In particular, there are certain mistakes to avoid in the first week of work, according to HuffPost.
Don't be late
Getting lost in a new building or underestimating the new route is normal. However, being late for meetings in the first week can leave a bad impression.
To calculate your time, allocate a few extra minutes to assess everything correctly.
You're know-it-all
When you come to a new job, people will assess your competence and dedication.
Being overly confident in your own experience will earn you more enemies than allies.
First, study all the work moments well, learn the characters and habits of your colleagues, and then you can express your reasoned and constructive opinion.
You can also demonstrate that you learn quickly.
Don't violate the dress code
Not adhering to the dress code is also a mistake that cannot be allowed.
If you don't know what to wear, there are employee handbooks describing the dress code policy. You can also ask your new boss or other employees what to wear.
You're gossiping
When you join a company, you also join its culture, where there may be enemies.
Be careful not to get involved in gossip about other employees.
It's worth remembering that spreading gossip at a new job is a bad thing to do.
Don't talk about money
When getting to know a new team, don't talk about your promised salary or your achievements at your previous job, otherwise, you risk coming across as arrogant.
If you feel that your salary does not correspond to the efforts you put in, discuss this solely with your manager, preferably not right away, but after the probationary period.
Ask directly
Asking questions on the first day of work is the right thing to do because it shows that you are genuinely interested in the new job and ready to learn.
If you find that you don't know something, ask your colleagues first rather than doing everything randomly.
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