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6 reasons why weight doesn't drop: Nutritionist's explanation

6 reasons why weight doesn't drop: Nutritionist's explanation Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

During the weight loss process, people may occasionally encounter a situation where their weight plateaus despite all efforts. As it turns out, this is a common phenomenon, and here are some potential reasons why, citing nutritionist Iryna Levchenko.

Why weight stops dropping

Hidden calories and snacks

Even small snacks and hidden calories can add up, hindering weight loss. It's important to closely monitor what you eat and not forget to account for even the smallest snacks.

Body's adaptation to calorie deficit

Over time, the body can adapt to a reduced-calorie diet by slowing down metabolism to conserve energy. This natural survival mechanism can slow down the weight loss process.

Loss of muscle mass

When losing weight, it's possible to lose not only fat but also muscle mass. Muscles burn more calories than fat, so a reduction in muscle mass can lead to a slower metabolism and a decrease in weight loss speed.

Fluid retention in body

The nutritionist explains that the body may retain fluid for various reasons, including excessive salt intake, hormonal changes, or even stress, which can lead to a temporary weight increase.

Lack of physical activity

If your physical activity level has decreased, it can affect calorie burning. Regular exercise helps maintain a high metabolism and supports weight loss.

Stress and lack of sleep

Stress and lack of sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, which in turn can hinder weight loss. Engaging in relaxation techniques and ensuring adequate sleep is crucial.

It's important to remember that weight loss is a long-term process, and temporary weight stalls are normal. It's essential not to give up and continue maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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