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6 interesting facts about hair that no one knows

6 interesting facts about hair that no one knows 6 facts about hair that few people know (Illustrative photo: Freepik)

Hair is a person's crowning glory, providing confidence and enhancing appearance. A dermatologist has compiled some surprising facts about hair that many may not have heard before.

Human body has millions of hair strands

Between 80,000 and 150,000 strands are located on the head, commonly known as the main area.

Blondes have more hair (approximately 150,000) than redheads (90,000), while those with brown and black hair fall in the range of 100,000 to 110,000.

The doctor noted that the number of individual hair follicles is formed before birth and does not change throughout life.

Hair strand can withstand 100 grams of weight

Interestingly, a single hair can bear up to 100 grams before breaking.

Hair is very elastic; undamaged hair can stretch by about 60%. If the hair is damaged, it can break much more easily.

Hair grows on 96% of skin surfaces

Hair is capable of growing on approximately 96% of the human skin surface. The only completely hairless areas are the hands, lips, soles of the feet, and the nails on the hands and feet.

“Hair is essentially long protein threads that protrude from the skin. They are made up of 95% keratin proteins, just like our nails,” the dermatologist added.

A person loses an average of 70 to 100 hair strands per day, which is completely normal.

Hair grows faster in warm weather

Hair grows faster in warm temperatures and does not grow at all during the night.

At any given time, about 90% of a person’s hair is in the growth phase. Hair on the head can grow for several years and may exceed lengths of over 1 meter.

“Xie Qiuping (China) entered the Guinness World Records with a hair length of 5.62 meters. She grew her hair for 31 years. The beard of Hans N. Langseth (Norway) was of the same length. In 1927, his facial hair measured 5.33 meters. At the time of measurement, he was deceased,” the report states.

Eyelashes and eyebrows grow for only a limited number of days

Eyelashes and eyebrows grow for about 100 to 150 days, which means they have a short anagen phase. This is why they remain short. The same applies to hair in the ears and nose.

Haircuts do not affect hair growth

Many believe that regularly getting haircuts can accelerate hair growth on the head. However, this does not change anything and does not influence growth at all.

No matter how fine the hair follicles may be, each one contains a tiny muscle capable of straightening the hair.

When a person experiences a shocking situation and their hair stands on end or goosebumps appear, it is due to thousands of mini-muscles at work.

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