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5 unusual natural phenomena that can only be seen in Ukraine

5 unusual natural phenomena that can only be seen in Ukraine Pink Lake Syvash(Photo: Wikipedia)

Ukraine is not only rich in history and culture but also boasts unique natural phenomena that attract researchers and tourists from all over the world. In various corners of the country, one can witness natural wonders that cannot be found anywhere else on the planet, or at least in Europe.

RBC-Ukraine highlights five unique natural phenomena that are worth seeing with your own eyes.

Oleshky Sands

The Oleshky Sands in Kherson region is the largest sandy desert in Europe. Despite its relatively small size (about 160,000 hectares), it is an extraordinarily unusual place for Europe.

Here, you can see real sand dunes, some reaching heights of up to 5 meters. In summer, sand temperatures can rise to +70°C, and the local microclimate allows oases to form, where unique plants native to Ukraine thrive. This is a remarkable phenomenon where sandy expanses coexist with dense forests and lakes.

5 незвичайних природних явищ, які можна побачити тільки в Україні

Oleshky Sands (Photo: Wikipedia)

Lake Syvash

Lake Syvash, located in southern Ukraine, is a unique saltwater lake famous for its striking pink water. This remarkable color is attributed to the presence of microorganisms, specifically halophilic algae, which produce pigments during their life cycles.

Additionally, Lake Syvash is notable for its high salinity, which creates a buoyancy effect akin to that of the Dead Sea.

5 незвичайних природних явищ, які можна побачити тільки в Україні

Озеро Сиваш (фото:

Dniester Canyon

Dniester Canyon is one of the largest canyons in Europe, located at the intersection of four regions: Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, and Chernivtsi. The cliffs here reach heights of up to 250 meters, and the Dniester River meanders through numerous picturesque bends.

A distinctive feature of the canyon is its microclimate, which supports rare plants and animals not commonly found in Ukraine. It is one of the most beautiful places in the country, attracting enthusiasts of outdoor activities, kayaking, and hiking.

5 незвичайних природних явищ, які можна побачити тільки в Україні

Dniester Canyon (Photo: Wikipedia)

Basalt Columns of Rivne region

The unique natural phenomenon of basalt columns can be found near the village of Bazaltove in the Rivne region. These giant hexagonal columns were formed millions of years ago from solidified lava. They exhibit perfect geometric shapes, creating the impression that they were crafted by human hands.

This is one of the few places in the world where such natural basalt formations can be observed in such a large quantity, making it unique both for Ukraine and for all of Europe.

5 незвичайних природних явищ, які можна побачити тільки в Україні

Basalt Columns of Rivne region (Photo: Wikipedia)

Stone Village

In the Zhytomyr region, there is an amazing place known as Stone Village. This nature reserve consists of enormous boulders that resemble houses, scattered among dense forests. According to legend, it was once a real village that was turned to stone by God for its wickedness.

Scientists believe that the boulders were left behind after the melting of glaciers. Stone Village has become a popular destination for esoteric enthusiasts, as some believe it possesses a special energy.

5 незвичайних природних явищ, які можна побачити тільки в Україні

Stone Village (Photo: Wikipedia)

Sources: Visit Ukraine,, Wikipedia.