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5 signs that your cat really loves you

5 signs that your cat really loves you How to know if your cat loves you (photo:

To understand if your cat loves you, pay attention to its behavior. Signs of affection can be both obvious and subtle.

Here is an explanation of which behaviors indicate that your cat loves you.

Wanting to be near you

A strong sign of your cat's love is its desire to be close to you as much as possible. If your cat follows you from room to room, it likely enjoys your company. Cats that receive plenty of attention and affection from their owners associate them with positive feelings and may even follow you into the bathroom seeking more attention.

Another clear sign of affection is when your cat sleeps next to you every night, trying to snuggle up as close as possible. This behavior indicates a desire for physical closeness. Even cats that are usually aloof or cautious with new experiences often sleep near their owner to feel secure.

Eye contact

You can also tell if your cat loves you by observing its reaction to eye contact. Cats perceive direct eye contact as a potential threat, especially from strangers. If your cat looks into your eyes and does so happily, it’s a good sign of affection.

Particular attention should be given if your cat blinks slowly. This slow blinking is one of the clearest signs of trust and affection in the feline world. It’s considered a kiss among cats and shows that your cat feels comfortable and relaxed around you.

Head butting

When your cat bumps its head against you or rubs against you, it’s its way of showing that you are important to it. This behavior is similar to a hug in humans. By doing this, the cat marks you with its scent, indicating that it sees you as part of its territory and trusts you.

You may also notice your cat doing this with various items in the house, such as furniture or other objects. This helps the cat feel comfortable and secure in its environment. If your cat frequently bumps its head against a table or other object, it means it is marking these items as part of its territory.


When your cat starts kneading dough on your lap or any other surface, it’s not just a cute behavior. It’s a way for the cat to show that it is happy and feels comfortable.

This behavior originates from kittenhood when cats knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk flow. Even as adults, cats often continue this behavior for comfort.

If your cat gently nibbles or scratches you with its claws, it’s also a sign of love and trust. This behavior indicates that the cat feels relaxed and content in your presence.

Meowing and purring

You may have noticed that cats meow primarily to people. Unlike their interactions with other cats, they don't use meowing as a form of communication with one another but know that meowing can elicit a response from their owners - whether it’s food, treats, or affection.

Cats can produce a variety of sounds, such as purring (a rhythmic, soothing noise), trilling (a high-pitched chirp), or chirping (often observed when watching something intently). Each of these sounds is a unique way for your cat to communicate its feelings and desires.

Sources used in the preparation of this article include: Cats Protection, Petplan, and Rawz Natural Pet Food.