5 mistakes while swimming in pool that harm your body

Swimming is a great workout to improve your body condition. Certain mistakes during training can increase stress, harm health, and accelerate aging, reports Eat This, Not That.
Head position
Swimming with your head up is a natural instinct, but causes body imbalance and unnecessary neck strain. It also creates pressure that can make you tense.
The trainer advises to look down. Your goal is a neutral neck position.
Breath-holding underwater
In any exercise on land, you have a pattern of inhaling and exhaling, even during increased effort. Holding your breath underwater can lead to a lack of oxygen and increases the risk of drowning.
Exhale continuously underwater (ideally through your nose) so you are ready to inhale through your mouth when you surface.
Swim at the same speed
Many swimmers believe that you can only swim at one speed, which leads to overexertion and unnecessary fatigue.
It is worth constantly changing your swimming speed. Sometimes just telling yourself to slow down works.
You keep your hips straight
Often people rely on their upper body or just their legs to move in the water. But most of your power comes from your hips because they control both your upper and lower body, so depriving yourself of this movement will slow your momentum.
Use your abdominal muscles to rotate your torso and help propel you faster in the water.
Tense your toes
This is a common mistake because the lower legs and feet should be relaxed, the feet turned slightly inward with the toes foaming the water behind the swimmer. The legs perform movements from the hip.
There is no doubt that swimming will improve your health when you turn 50. Repetitive movements, light resistance, and buoyancy help strengthen the body.
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