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5 incredible facts about animals to surely surprise everyone

5 incredible facts about animals to surely surprise everyone Facts about animals that can surprise everyone (Illustrative photo:

Animals have always amazed us with their diversity and incredible abilities. However, certain species impress us so much that they sometimes surpass our imagination.

Here is a list of 5 animals that possess amazing abilities.

Cats can heal

Cats are among the most beloved pets in the world, and their popularity is not accidental. They can meow to communicate with their owners and jump distances up to six times their body length. Additionally, each cat has a unique nose, similar to a human fingerprint.

Moreover, they can heal themselves. The purring of a domestic cat has a frequency ranging from 25 to 150 Hertz, corresponding to the frequency at which bones and muscles grow and regenerate. This sound can also help humans, including astronauts who face bone density loss and muscle atrophy during prolonged periods of weightlessness.

Crocodiles can jump

While crocodiles are typically associated with slow and dangerous movement, they are capable of incredible feats. For example, when they lie with their mouths open, it's not for an attack but to regulate their body temperature since they cannot sweat.

These predators can also sleep with one eye open and hold their breath underwater for over an hour. However, the most unexpected fact is that some species of crocodiles can move by jumping.

In the early 2000s, researchers studied five species: the African dwarf crocodile, the African slender-snouted crocodile, the Cuban crocodile, the Philippine crocodile, and the American crocodile, and found that all of them can jump while moving in a gallop.

Otters hold hands while sleeping

Sea otters are adorable animals with the thickest fur. They are known for their interesting behavior, especially during sleep. When sea otters fall asleep in the water, they hold hands to stay close to each other and prevent drifting apart. This is particularly common among mothers with their pups.

Sea otters also use rocks as tools for hunting, and when a mother goes hunting, she wraps her pups in kelp to keep them in place.

Alpacas are water- and fire-resistant

Alpacas are incredibly cute animals known for their sociability and dislike of being alone. They are always chewing something and often spit, which makes them even more amusing.

Alpaca fleece has water- and fire-resistant properties, making it highly valuable. Products made from this material not only provide moisture protection but are also flame-resistant, offering additional advantages. Furthermore, interacting with alpacas has a positive therapeutic effect, so they are often taken to hospitals to bring joy and healing, especially to children.

Cows can make friends

Cows are not just calm animals in pastures; they demonstrate a high level of intelligence and social behavior. They often choose best friends and prefer their company.

A 2019 study showed that cows kept in a pen with their best friend for 30 minutes had a stable and low heart rate, indicating their calmness and lack of stress. In contrast, when they were with an unfamiliar cow, their heart rates increased.

We previously talked about the 5 most venomous animals in the world – check out the photos.

Additionally, we earlier published a top 6 list of animals that would make the worst pets.

Sources used in this article include List Verse and National Geographic.