10 ways to boost Wi-Fi signal in every corner of your home

If the Wi-Fi in your home doesn't cover all corners or the signal goes dead in the most unexpected places, you're not alone. Dead zones are a common problem in many homes. However, there are simple and effective ways to improve the quality of the Wi-Fi signal, reports PCMag.
Check your wired internet connection
Before you blame Wi-Fi for slow speeds, make sure that the Internet connection coming into your home is working properly. To do this, connect your computer directly to the router using an Ethernet cable. If your laptop doesn't have an Ethernet port, you'll need a USB-Ethernet adapter.
Run an Internet speed test. If the test results do not match the speed specified in your data plan, you may want to contact your Internet service provider or replace your router or modem.
If your internet speed matches your plan but still seems slow, it may be time to consider upgrading to a faster plan.
If your wired connection is working properly, try running a Wi-Fi speed test again while standing next to your router. If you get good speeds near the device, but the speeds drop significantly in other rooms, the problem may be insufficient Wi-Fi coverage.
If the Internet speed remains slow even in the immediate vicinity of the router, your equipment may be outdated and needs to be replaced.
Speedtest (photo: PCMag)
Update the router firmware
Before making any changes to the settings, you should update the router's firmware. Router manufacturers regularly improve their software to maximize connection speed and stability.
How easy it is to update the firmware depends on the manufacturer and model of your device. In most modern routers, this process is built into the settings interface, and all you need to do is click the firmware update button.
After entering the settings, find the update tool in the System section. Even if your Wi-Fi is working fine, you should update the firmware regularly to improve performance, get new features, and protect against threats.
On older router models, you may need to visit the manufacturer's website, download the firmware file from its support page, and upload it through the administration interface. It's a bit tedious, but it's useful because such a simple action can solve many problems.
However, if you still have a router that requires you to download updates, it may be time to consider replacing your device with a more modern one.
If you want to get the most out of your current router, you can consider installing third-party firmware, such as the open-source DD-WRT. It can improve the performance of the device and give you access to advanced features, such as installing a VPN directly on the router.
Setting up such software is a bit more complicated, but for advanced users, it can be a worthwhile step.
Update your router firmware (photo: PCMag)
Place your router optimally
Not all homes distribute Wi-Fi signals equally well. In fact, the location of the router can have a significant impact on the coverage area of the wireless network. It seems logical to put the router in a closet or near a window, next to the incoming cable, but this is not always the best option.
How to place the router correctly:
- Place the router in an open space away from walls and obstacles to avoid interference and overheating
- Try to install the router in the center of the house so that the signal reaches all corners more easily
- If you can remove at least one wall between the router and your workstation, it can significantly improve Wi-Fi performance
- Avoid placing the router near powerful appliances or electronics, as they can negatively affect the signal
- If your router has external antennas, install them vertically to increase coverage
- Try to raise the router higher - place it on the wall or on a top shelf for a better signal
Achieving optimal router placement (photo: PCMag)
Change the frequency of the Wi-Fi network
Go to your router's administrator settings and check what frequency the network is operating on. If you have a dual-band router, switching to 5 GHz can provide faster connection speeds than the more common 2.4 GHz frequency.
In addition to faster speeds, a 5 GHz network is less susceptible to interference from other networks and devices because it is less frequently used.
However, there are also some disadvantages to consider when moving to 5 GHz. While it provides faster speeds under optimal conditions, it has poorer signal strength and less coverage than 2.4 GHz. This means that a 5 GHz signal may not reach remote rooms as well as a 2.4 GHz signal.
Most modern dual-band routers allow you to use the same network name (SSID) for both bands. Go to the router's administrator settings, find the 5 GHz network setting, and give it the same name and password as your 2.4 GHz network.
This way, devices will automatically connect to the network with a stronger signal. If your router doesn't support the same name for the two bands, give the 5 GHz network a different name, such as SmithHouse-5GHz, and connect to it manually whenever possible.
Change the frequency of your Wi-Fi network (photo: PCMag)
Change the channel of your Wi-Fi network
Interference is one of the main reasons for slower internet speeds, especially if you live in a densely populated area. Signals from other Wi-Fi networks, cordless phones, microwave ovens, and other electronic devices can cause interference. So it's important to know what channel your network is on.
Most routers automatically select a channel, but if neighboring networks are using the same channel, this creates signal congestion. A good router with the "Auto" setting will try to select the least busy channel, but older or budget devices may use a predefined channel, which can be a problem.
Change the Wi-Fi network channel (photo: PCMag).
If you're using a Windows computer, you can check what channels neighboring networks are using. Open a command prompt and enter the command: netsh wlan show all. You will see a list of wireless networks and the channels they use.
If the automatic channel setting does not give good results, go to the admin panel of your router, open the Wireless section, and manually select a channel that is less busy in your area.
After that, run the speed test again to see if the signal has improved compared to the automatic channel selection.
Keep in mind that channel congestion can change over time, so if you have selected a channel manually, check periodically to see if it is still the best channel for your network.
What channels neighboring networks are using (photo: PCMag)
Get rid of "uninvited guests" in your Wi-Fi network
The problem with slow internet can be more than just interference or a weak signal. If your network uses a weak or no password, one of your neighbors could be connecting to your Wi-Fi without your knowledge. For example, if a neighbor downloads multiple 4K movies over your network, the quality of your video calls will deteriorate dramatically.
To identify unwanted connections, use tools like Wireless Network Watcher, which shows you all the devices connected to your network. Some routers also have a built-in traffic analyzer that shows you which devices are consuming the most data.
If you find an intruder, be sure to protect your network with a strong password and install the WPA2 or WPA3 security protocol, as WEP has long been considered unreliable and easy to crack.
Deter intruders who steal your Wi-Fi (photo: NirSoft)
Manage connection quality (QoS)
Modern routers often come with a Quality of Service (QoS) feature that allows you to limit the amount of traffic for certain applications. QoS can be found in the Advanced Settings section of the router's admin interface.
For example, you can prioritize video calls so that they have more Internet access than file downloads. This way, you can avoid dropped calls even if someone is simultaneously downloading a large file from Dropbox.
Some routers even offer out-of-the-box settings, such as multimedia or gaming mode, so you can be sure that these applications are prioritized.
If you stream games and share your network with other users, adjusting the QoS settings can significantly improve your internet connection.
Manage connection quality (photo: PCMag)
Replace the antenna
If your router uses an internal antenna, you should consider adding an external antenna, as it usually provides a stronger signal. Your router may have originally come with antennas that you can attach yourself. But if they weren't, or if they've been lost for a long time, many router manufacturers sell external antennas separately.
You can choose between omnidirectional antennas, which send the signal in all directions, or directional antennas, which concentrate the signal in one specific direction.
Most built-in antennas are omnidirectional, so if you plan to buy an external antenna, make sure it's labeled "high-gain" to really notice the difference.
However, a directional antenna is often a more effective solution because it is unlikely that there is a weak signal in all directions. Point the outdoor antenna toward an area with a poor signal, and it will improve coverage in that location.
The external antenna provides a stronger signal (photo: TP-Link)
Upgrade your outdated hardware
Even if you want to get the most out of your current hardware, it's impossible to achieve high performance on older devices. If your router was purchased a few years ago, it's likely that it uses an outdated version of Wi-Fi.
Older routers can limit connection speeds and have a shorter range. For example, the maximum throughput for 802.11g (Wi-Fi 3) is only 54 Mbps, while 802.11n (Wi-Fi 4) supports up to 300 Mbps.
All of the above settings will only help to a limited extent if you have an outdated model.
If you upgrade to a Wi-Fi 6 router, you can theoretically achieve speeds of up to 10 Gbps. And Wi-Fi 6E routers have access to an even wider range of frequencies, which provides better coverage and performance.
In addition, modern routers offer features such as QoS (Quality of Service), as well as more efficient channel selection and intelligent band allocation for 5GHz-enabled devices.
Some new routers are also equipped with MU-MIMO (Multi-User - Multiple Input Multiple Output) technology, such as the TP-Link Archer AX11000. This technology allows the router to simultaneously send and receive multiple data streams to different devices without slowing down the speed. However, to use MU-MIMO, devices must also support this standard.
However, even if your router is new, you may have older devices that support outdated Wi-Fi standards. For example, if you bought a computer in the last 10 years, it most likely supports an 802.11ac adapter. But the older the device, the less likely it is to be compatible with modern technology.
If your devices don't support the new standards, you can buy an external Wi-Fi adapter to improve your connection. This will allow you to take advantage of new technologies without having to completely replace your computer.
Extend your coverage area with a signal booster or Wi-Fi mesh
If all of the above tips didn't help, your home may be too large for a single router to provide a good signal everywhere. It may be difficult for the router to go around corners and penetrate walls. In this case, you'll need another solution to extend your Wi-Fi coverage: a signal booster (range extender) or a Mesh Wi-Fi system.
Signal amplifier
Signal boosters receive the signal from your router and then relay it to your devices and back. This way, you get an inexpensive solution that works as a range extender, increasing the range of your wireless router. However, such devices are not always effective and are often inferior to Mesh Wi-Fi systems.
Mesh Wi-Fi system
Unlike simple range extenders, Mesh systems replace your current router completely. Multiple modules work together to intelligently route traffic to your modem, creating a single Wi-Fi network that covers your entire space.
When installing Mesh points, it is important to follow the placement rules: one module connects to your modem, and the other modules should be spaced far enough apart to receive a stable signal and extend coverage in areas with a weak signal.
However, it should be borne in mind that even with a Mesh system, there may be a slight loss of speed at the farthest points of the house, especially if the signal has to "jump" between several nodes. To minimize such losses, it is better to place the main module in the center of the house.
Wi-Fi amplifier (photo: Amazon)