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10 unexpected causes of hair loss

10 unexpected causes of hair loss Causes of hair loss (photo: Freepik)
Author: Daryna Vialko

After brushing, you may notice hair left on the comb. There are several reasons why this can happen, according to Ukrainian nutritionist Vera Kurin.

Unexpected causes

According to the expert, there are 10 unexpected reasons that can lead to significant hair loss:

  • Anemia or iron deficiency. If ferritin, a protein that stores iron, is low, it will be difficult to stop hair loss and grow new hair. For healthy hair, ferritin levels should be 80-90 ng/mL.
  • Insufficient consumption of animal protein in the diet.
  • Vitamin B deficiency
  • Low fat intake. The optimal ratio of plant and animal fat in the diet is 60/40.
  • A lack of nutrients and micronutrients such as copper, manganese, selenium, iron, zinc, vitamin A, and arginine.
  • Severe and prolonged stress
  • Androgenic alopecia. The most common cause of hair loss in women due to hormonal factors. It is treated by stabilizing the hormonal levels.
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Vitamin D3 deficiency
  • Overuse of styling products (hairspray, mousse, gel) and high temperatures for styling, as well as chemical perms

Foods that can trigger hair loss

It's advisable to exclude certain foods from your diet to avoid hair loss and potential health risks:

  • Chips: High-fat content in chips can contribute not only to hair loss but also to heart-related diseases.
  • Sweets: Avoid candies and other sugary treats as they can be detrimental to thick hair. Breakfast cereals and sugary sodas are equally risky due to their high sugar, sodium, and salt content, potentially causing not only hair loss but also dandruff.

Previously, we discussed 5 reasons why hair falls out during shampooing.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.