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Soldier on Pokrovsk direction: Losing three battalions is no problem for Russia

Soldier on Pokrovsk direction: Losing three battalions is no problem for Russia Photo: Russian forces conduct offensive operations in the Pokrovsk direction (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Russian forces have an advantage in manpower, so they don't feel sorry for losing even a brigade to capture a village, stated Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier Serhii Volkov in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel.

"They (the Russians - ed.) still have an advantage in manpower, they keep sending these small infantry groups. Losing a brigade of three battalions to capture a village in the suburbs is no problem for them... And battalions consist of 300-400 people, depending on their composition..." Volkov explained.

He noted that brigade after brigade, Russian troops are dying on the approaches. Volkov emphasized that increasing enemy losses is essential because only that can halt their plan to advance further.

When asked by RBC-Ukraine about a report from Bild suggesting that only 10% of Russian forces survive certain assaults, Volkov confirmed that it's true.

"This is visible from drones. It’s not a secret. When it comes to ‘meat grinder’ and so on, it’s a reality. For them, losing 1,000 men to capture a village is no problem at all. Our task is to ensure that they are worn down 100%," the soldier explained.

Situation in the Pokrovsk direction

It should be noted that for several months, the Pokrovsk direction has remained one of the hottest spots on the front.

Today, in the Donetsk region, another Russian military intelligence agent was detained. According to the Security Service of Ukraine, the traitor was spying on the Defense Forces in the Pokrovsk direction.