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Expert names factor determining new wave of Russian offensive on Pokrovsk

Expert names factor determining new wave of Russian offensive on Pokrovsk Illustrative photo: Russia may launch a new wave of offensive on Pokrovsk (Getty Images)

Russia may launch a new wave of intense offensives on Pokrovsk. This will depend on its actions on the flanks, Political expert from the Information Resistance group, Oleksandr Kovalenko, stated this in a comment to RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel.

"Everything depends on how the situation actually unfolds in the south of the Pokrovsk direction, not just in the south of the general combat zone or theater of operations. How quickly they can establish the southern flank, and even, for example, the results they achieve in the area around Selydove," Kovalenko noted.

According to him, currently, in the area of Selydove, Ukrainian defenders are conducting high-quality defense, and the Russian troops cannot break into the city and establish themselves there to begin urban combat.

Therefore, as Kovalenko clarified, as long as Selydove remains under Ukrainian control, starting a new offensive on Pokrovsk poses a significant risk for the Russian forces. The same applies to the area around Hirnyk-Kurakhivka-Zoriane. Ukrainian control over this agglomeration also prevents the Russian army from advancing towards Kurakhove.

"The situation in these locations will determine when the Russians can launch a new, more intense wave of offensive actions in the Pokrovsk direction," Kovalenko emphasized.

He added that currently, the Russian troops are attempting to establish flanks and secure new positions around Novohrodivka, Krasnyi Yar, and Hrodivka, but are not moving directly against Pokrovsk.

What preceded

A few weeks ago, former spokesperson for the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Vladyslav Seleznov, stated in a comment to RBC-Ukraine that the Russian forces had likely suspended their offensive on Pokrovsk. According to him, the battle for the city is expected to take place in the fall.

Additionally, on September 18, The Guardian reported that the battle for Pokrovsk would be the culmination of Russia's military campaign this year.