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DeepState analyst on situation in Kursk region: There's currently parity there

DeepState analyst on situation in Kursk region: There's currently parity there Photo: Currently, there is parity in the Kursk region (Getty Images)

Currently, there is an equilibrium in success between the Ukrainian and Russian armies in the Kursk region. However, it is important to maintain operational silence, explains Roman Pohorilyi, co-founder and analyst of the Deep State platform, in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel.

"(Currently in the Kursk region – ed.) there is parity. They (the Russians – ed.) have brought in forces, as expected. They have deployed them and are now trying to implement various methods and approaches in different areas. Again, we see counter-offensive actions on the western flank, in the area of the settlement of Snagost. They have made some movements there and regained control of several settlements," reported Pohorilyi.

At the same time, the analyst emphasized that Ukrainian troops are also active in the region. However, he did not reveal details about this.

"The Defense Forces are also conducting operations. I won't go into details here. Operational silence has shown and proven its effectiveness. There are places where the Defense Forces are successfully repelling enemy attacks, which are trying to regain control and push our forces back," he explained.

He noted that this can describe the entire area, the whole section of the blue zone that everyone can see, and the overall gray zone.

"So, it is dynamic, and indeed, there is that parity. There are successful areas for us, and unfortunately, successful ones for the enemy. We do not allow the Muscovites to reclaim territory. Therefore, the work continues," Pohorilyi said.

Combat actions in the Kursk region

For over a month, Ukrainian troops have been conducting a military operation in the Kursk region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have already taken control of more than 100 settlements.

It is noteworthy that one of the goals of the operation was to divert Russian troops from the hottest frontlines, particularly around Pokrovsk.

During the interview, Pohorilyi mentioned that Russian troops have been encircled in the Kursk region.