Zodiac signs to say goodbye to all failures: New week gives them special chance

Starting Monday, representatives of five zodiac signs will have the opportunity to rid themselves of problems. They will finally be able to close a chapter in their lives that felt like a constant obstacle course.
You’re in for a week of wonders and positivity. Not only will you enjoy some relaxation and fun, but you'll also finally be able to deal with all your setbacks. Say goodbye to the black streak. You won’t need to worry about problems or tests of strength; they’ll be a thing of the past.
In the coming days, you'll get a chance to reset. This means you’ll shed the burden of responsibility and resolve all the issues that have been looming over you like a storm cloud. It’s possible that the new week will offer you a chance to start a new chapter with grand achievements.
Prepare for incredible events. You might be able to put an end to a long-standing issue you’ve struggled to let go. Additionally, failures will start avoiding you. There will be no more blows of fate; it’s time to enjoy a calm life and the harmony that will surround you.
A wave of inspiration will hit you hard. You’ll find your path to happiness and surround yourself with people who truly value you. Don’t be afraid to forge new relationships if the old ones have run their course. This applies to both friendships and romantic connections.
The new week will help you take the first step toward reconciliation with those who are dear to you. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge your mistakes. Start a new life by letting go of old grievances. Smooth out the rough edges and remember that compromise is much better than a breakup.
By the way, we previously mentioned that the end of September will bring happiness to only four zodiac signs.
Sources for this information include: Metro, Spiritualify.