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Zodiac signs best suited for the presidency

Zodiac signs best suited for the presidency Zodiac signs that can occupy the position of president are named (Photo: facebook com NYPost)

The presidency is a significant state position that requires extensive knowledge, skills, and resilience. Among all astrological signs, some are particularly well-suited to take on this role. Collective World highlights the zodiac signs with the ideal qualities to become a president.


This sign never makes mistakes and is unwilling to back down during heated discussions. Virgos fully control their reactions and focus on topics where they can showcase their strongest attributes. They won't get confused about who said what and can easily recall their words even from a decade ago.

Moreover, this zodiac sign prepares for important events so diligently that it has no equal. Their competitive nature drives them to act actively and decisively to implement their plans. So rest assured, Virgo will definitely not end up on the list of those who performed poorly or lost.


This sign may not always agree with the other side, but it knows how to reach a compromise when necessary. Libras understand the importance of a public office and the need to demonstrate to voters that work is genuinely being accomplished. They excel at creating broad boundaries and can withstand political pressure with relative ease.

Loyalty is this sign's second name. Libras value people who remain loyal to them and always know whom to call in a critical moment. This ability to organize effectively makes them excellent candidates for this serious position.

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Which zodiac signs can be presidents (photo:


This sign has an ideal past, making them an excellent candidate for the presidency. You could even look back to Cancer's school years and find no scandals there.

Cancers leave a legacy of friendship, support, and community involvement. This attitude, of course, attracts others and makes them the kind of people people gravitate toward. So, there’s no doubt that when Cancer is at the helm, turbulent waters will be navigated successfully.


Capricorns can focus on their goals and won’t stop until they achieve them. They are the type of candidate who will travel the country on a campaign bus, leaving no town overlooked.

Capricorns are ready to roll up their sleeves and do whatever it takes: making calls, knocking on doors, writing, giving interviews, and more. They participate in every stage of the campaign, showcasing an exceptional passion for their work because they want to give their all.

Read about the zodiac signs that are on the brink of a new stage in their lives.