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Zelenskyy reacted for first time to rumors surrounding Zaluzhnyi's dismissal

Zelenskyy reacted for first time to rumors surrounding Zaluzhnyi's dismissal President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has announced that he is contemplating a change in several key leadership positions within the country, according to an interview with the head of state on the Rai1 channel.

During an interview with Rai1, President Zelenskyy was asked about rumors surrounding the dismissal of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General, Valerii Zaluzhnyi. In response, the President stated that he is contemplating changes in various leadership positions within the country, but did not specifically address whether this pertains to Zaluzhnyi.

"Undoubtedly, a reboot is necessary, a fresh start. When we talk about this, I mean the replacement of several state leaders, not just in one sector, such as the military," noted the President of Ukraine.

According to him, this is a matter for the entire leadership group that manages the large and complex machinery of the country.

"If we want to succeed, we all must move in the same direction. We cannot get discouraged or throw in the towel. We must maintain the right, positive energy, despite the negative moods that may engulf us at certain moments," added the head of state.

Zelenskyy also stated that negativity should be left at home. According to him, it is essential to think about those who were forced to flee abroad, those who are fighting in the trenches, and those who work 24 hours a day in three shifts at factories producing ammunition.

"We must have the necessary energy for them. We cannot afford to give up. So, when I talk about a reboot, about replacements, I mean something serious that concerns not just one individual but the leadership of the country," emphasized the President of Ukraine.

Rumors about Zaluzhnyi's resignation

About a week ago, rumors began circulating on social media suggesting that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had allegedly decided to dismiss the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General, Valerii Zaluzhnyi.

For more detailed information on why relations between Zelenskyy and Zaluzhnyi soured and whether the Commander-in-Chief will be sent into retirement, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.