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Zelenskyy on restoration of energy after Russia's attacks: We need to reduce deficit

Zelenskyy on restoration of energy after Russia's attacks: We need to reduce deficit Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (Getty Images)

Ukraine continues to restore energy facilities after several massive Russian strikes. A reduction in system deficits is expected, according to the evening address by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

According to the head of state, today, Energy Minister of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko reported to him on the restoration of the energy system after Russian strikes.

"Repair crews, essential utilities, and state agencies are working at full capacity. We need to reduce the deficit," Zelenskyy said.

What preceded

On August 26 and 27, the Russian army launched massive strikes on Ukraine. The attack on Monday was the most extensive since the beginning of the war.

The priority target for the Russian troops was energy infrastructure facilities, which were hit with missiles carrying cluster munitions.

Following the enemy's attack, the country experienced significant issues with electricity supply. Emergency power outages were implemented in several regions.

The next day, power outage schedules were introduced, with three or four queues being limited simultaneously.

As Volodymyr Omelchenko, Director of Energy Programs at the Razumkov Center, told RBC-Ukraine, strict power outage schedules might remain in effect until the weekend, with an improvement in the situation expected next week.