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Zelenskyy names two ways to put pressure on Russia for ending war

Zelenskyy names two ways to put pressure on Russia for ending war Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo:

There are two ways to put pressure on Russia so that the war against Ukraine ends, says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"There are two ways to put pressure on Russia to end this war. The first way is diplomatic. This is a peace summit, then meetings, a joint plan. This is the way," he said.

The second way, according to the President, is a strong defense, a strong army, and a strong Ukrainian soldier on the battlefield defending their family and state.

Peace Summit in Switzerland

For the second day in a row, the Peace Summit is taking place in Switzerland. More than 100 representatives of countries and organizations have gathered here.

The participants (80 countries) have already signed a joint declaration outlining three main points related to nuclear, food, and humanitarian security.

On the eve of the event, Kremlin head Vladimir Putin announced the so-called "negotiations". The world community interpreted his statement as a call for surrender and condemned the words of the Russian leader.