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Zelenskyy intrigues with statement on air defense: Decisions made regarding Shaheds and some missiles

Zelenskyy intrigues with statement on air defense: Decisions made regarding Shaheds and some missiles Photo: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

Ukraine may soon strengthen its air defense, particularly for better interception of enemy missiles and drones, states President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during his evening address.

According to Zelenskyy, today he received a report from the Commander of the Air Force regarding air defense – specifically about the interception of missiles and drones, as well as our electronic warfare system.

"We discussed the format of strengthening air defense, and there are already certain decisions regarding Shaheds and some types of missiles," Zelenskyy said.

He also heard reports from Naftogaz (Ukraine's national oil and gas company - ed.) CEO Oleksii Chernyshov regarding gas storage and infrastructure protection.

"All elements of winter preparedness – electricity, gas, coal, what we rely on, what we are preparing for, and what we need help with from our partners – have been clearly defined," Zelenskyy emphasized.

Air defense for Ukraine

After Russia intensified its shelling, Ukraine reached out to its partners for additional Patriot systems, as these systems are capable of intercepting ballistic missiles. At that time, Germany, the USA, Romania, and the Netherlands promised supplies, while Italy committed to transferring a SAMP-T battery.

On September 5, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis officially approved the bill for the donation of Patriot systems to Ukraine.