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Worst morning habits: How they affect your energy and mood

Worst morning habits: How they affect your energy and mood Morning habits that can ruin your life (photo: Getty Images)

Morning is considered the most productive time of the day, and that's why it's important to start your day with a good mood and energize your body. However, many people begin their mornings with a phone in hand, scrolling through the news, a cup of coffee, and stress.

More details on which morning habits can ruin our lives in the material below.

Postponing wake-up time

In the morning, your alarm rings, but instead of getting up, you hit snooze for another 10 or 15 minutes. However, this extra time won’t make your body more rested.

A sudden wake-up after just 9 minutes throws your body into a state of sleep inertia, which can leave you feeling disoriented and tired for many hours.

That’s why it’s better to set the alarm on the other side of the room or set it exactly for the time you need to get up.

Scientists also recommend waking up at the same time every morning, even on weekends. Setting a consistent wake-up time will help you be more productive and energized.

Not drinking enough water

Adults are often dehydrated because we frequently ignore feelings of thirst. Experts recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day (including water-rich foods and tea). This allows your body to function fully and avoids the unpleasant consequences of dehydration.

Most experts suggest drinking your first glass of water right after waking up – before brushing your teeth, drinking coffee, or having breakfast. This helps wake up your body.

Skipping breakfast

The first meal of the day is very important because your body will rely on it throughout the day. Clinical endocrinology and metabolism specialists conducted a study on breakfast and calorie burning.

It turned out that people who ate a full breakfast burned almost twice as many calories during the day. They also had significantly lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, skipping breakfast can affect not only your metabolism but also your weight.

A study by the American College of Cardiology showed that those who skip breakfast have an 87% higher risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases than those who eat breakfast.

Coffee before or instead of breakfast

Researchers from the University of Bath found that drinking black coffee before breakfast can have a negative impact on blood sugar levels. Therefore, coffee should be consumed after breakfast.

Drinking coffee or tea before breakfast can increase the secretion of stomach acid. If your digestive system doesn’t have food to process, but acids are being released, it could lead to stomach problems in the long run.

Additionally, sugar and sugar substitutes trigger cycles of energy highs and lows, making you crave more sweets throughout the day. Replace sugar in your coffee with milk or cream, which can add a portion of calcium and protein to your diet.

Checking your phone first thing

Many people make the mistake of grabbing their phone to check messages or news right after waking up. This habit can make you less productive in the long run because it shifts your focus away from your morning routines.

Make it a habit to check messages, emails, social media, and news after you’ve gotten out of bed, taken a shower, had breakfast, and enjoyed your morning coffee.

Also, try not to tackle important tasks, solve problems, or answer work calls until you’ve completed your morning rituals. Your brain needs to be fully awake and ready for decision-making, productivity, and absorbing information.

Skipping morning exercise

Skipping even a minimal amount of morning exercise can lower your energy levels and reduce health benefits. How you choose to "wake up" your body in the morning is up to you.

This could be a walk with your dog, a short yoga session, a run, or a few simple exercises. Any physical activity can invigorate you and set a positive tone for the entire day.

Rushing and being late

The worst thing that can happen to you in the morning is a ruined mood due to being late, rushing around, losing something, or making your day’s plan on the go. You certainly need a plan for the day, but it should be made not after waking up but the night before.

Check the weather forecast and prepare the necessary clothes, make sure your kids' school bags are ready, get your umbrella, car and house keys in one designated place.

An unorganized space can only increase stress and make you waste time searching for something essential. It also negatively affects your mood and ability to concentrate.

If you find yourself short on time every morning, wake up 10-15 minutes earlier to have time for everything. This will help you avoid a frantic start to the day and rushing around.

We also discussed 10 unusual steps to happiness that a person should take daily.

Sources used in writing the material: National Institutes of Health, Medium, Very Well Mind, Heart, Healthy for Good, Science.