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Without China, but including Saudi Arabia: Participants of Peace Summit in Switzerland announced

Without China, but including Saudi Arabia: Participants of Peace Summit in Switzerland announced Illustrative photo: it became known who will attend the Peace Summit in Switzerland ( eda_dfae)

This weekend, Switzerland will host a Global Peace Summit based on the 10-provisions Ukrainian formula. Representatives from around 100 countries and organizations will attend the Summit, according to the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In total, 92 countries will participate in the Summit. 57 countries will be presented at the highest level, presidents or prime ministers. 29 countries will be represented at the ministerial level, mainly heads of foreign ministries. Other countries will send ambassadors: India, Indonesia, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, the Philippines, as well as Brazil.

According to the list of political guests at the Summit, China will indeed not be represented. This is likely because China has its own perspective on how to achieve an end to the war.

Moreover, earlier reports indicated that Beijing has started promoting its own peace plan and warned countries intending to participate in Switzerland that such meetings would only prolong the war.

However, the list indicates that a representative from Saudi Arabia will attend the Summit, despite not planning to do so earlier. Recently, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Saudi Arabia, which might have influenced the decision for the Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, to attend the Peace Summit.

Another interesting point is the representative from India - the country will be represented by the Indian Ambassador to Russia, Vinay Kumar. It's worth noting that since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, India claimed to have a supposedly neutral position regarding the war.

Peace Summit in Switzerland

Just this weekend, the first Peace Summit will take place in Switzerland. The Summit will discuss the Ukrainian peace formula, which aims to bring an end to the war on fair terms.

To learn more about what Ukraine seeks to achieve at the Summit, check out the article Mediocre success: Ukraine's expectations for Peace Summit.

And to understand what Zelenskyy's peace formula is and what it entails, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.