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Will blockade of Polish border cause products shortage: Retailers' forecast

Will blockade of Polish border cause products shortage: Retailers' forecast Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The blockade of the border with Ukraine by Polish carriers is currently having a targeted negative effect on the economy. There is a potential shortage of perishable goods, according to RBC-Ukraine's article "Hostages of blockade. Why Poles do not allow trucks to enter Ukraine and who benefits from it."

Retailers say that the problem arises with goods that quickly perish and those that require specific storage conditions.

To avoid a general shortage, experts are forced to change logistics, says Nataliia Petrivska, the executive director of the Ukrainian Food Retail Alliance.

"To meet the needs of buyers, some goods are redirected through other checkpoints, although logistics has become significantly more expensive, companies incur additional costs and losses. Due to the change in routes, we hope there will be no significant deficit. However, some goods will be unprofitable for import, so companies will consider the feasibility of importing it," Petrivska explains in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

In addition, up to 30% of autogas was imported into Ukraine through the Polish border. Due to its reduction, the price of gas started to rise, but traders found alternative options, says Sergey Kuyun, the director of the Consulting Group A-95.

"In particular, (transportation – ed.) through Slovakia. Therefore, we expect the problem to be resolved within two weeks," Kuyun said in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

Border blockade

The blockade of the Polish border with Ukraine, which began on November 7, has already affected the volumes of imported products from Europe. While there is no significant shortage among products, Polish producers of dairy, meat products, and eggs are currently well-represented on the shelves of supermarkets in Ukraine.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy predicts that the blockade of the Ukrainian border by Polish carriers may lead to a shortage and an increase in the prices of imported food products, salt, citrus fruits, bananas, as well as seafood and fish.