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Why most airlines have white planes and blue seats: Most people don't know this

Why most airlines have white planes and blue seats: Most people don't know this Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Usually, passengers on airplanes don't pay much attention to the color of the seats. However, the most common color remains blue, and there are reasons for this, reports The Sun.

The impact of seat color on passengers

The use of blue color is a way for airlines to manage passenger behavior on board. Experts note that this color can evoke feelings of calm and relaxation in people.

In particular, it is a potential way to alleviate stress and anxiety often associated with travel.

Blue is associated with peace; it's the color of a calm sea and clear sky, symbolizing inner tranquility, serenity, and clarity. The color blue also slows down heart rate and breathing.

Moreover, stains are less noticeable on blue seats compared to brightly colored ones.

However, some budget airlines use brighter shades or muted tones, primarily aiming to create an atmosphere of homely comfort and relaxation.

Why airplanes are white

Most often, airplanes are painted white for specific reasons:

  • White color does not fade quickly and reduces the number of bird strikes, as it stands out in the air.

  • White airplanes are more visible in case of an emergency.

  • This color keeps the cabin cooler as it reflects light and heat.

  • White paint makes oil patches, corrosion, cracks, and malfunctions much more visible. Even if airplanes are not entirely painted in white today, efforts are made to paint the most critical parts in this color.