Why do we avoid throwing away unnecessary things when cleaning

You have a lot of unnecessary things at home, but you can't bear to get rid of them. Sometimes we are attached to things not physically, but emotionally - we feel sorry to part with things we once cherished or things given by loved ones. What are the emotional and psychological barriers that prevent you from clearing your home of unnecessary things?
What are people afraid of when they have to throw things away
I'm afraid that I'll want to use it again (even though I haven't used it for years). Let's be honest. We all have things we keep "just in case" - even if we haven't wanted them for months or years.
I'm afraid that one day I'll fit into this thing but won't have it. If you're keeping clothes because you think you might gain or lose weight, consider whether you'll really want to wear them when you reach that weight in the future.
I'm afraid of finding missing parts and not having the appliance or gadget they are intended for. If you finally find a lost cord, a missing screw, or a knob that fell off, will you be sure you'll remember what gadget or appliance it was for?
I'm afraid of wasting money if I don't use this product, even though no one really likes it. If you keep a shower gel that your family is allergic to or a lotion that has a bad smell, you are keeping a mess.
I'm afraid of hurting someone's feelings if I get rid of it. It's hard when you have things in your home that were gifts that you don't really want to keep, but are afraid to get rid of them. Think honestly about the likelihood that the giver will ever notice that you no longer have the gift they gave you.
I'm afraid I won't have enough if I get rid of these things. Sometimes we hold on to things because we are afraid we won't have enough of life's necessities. Maybe you have more towels in the bathroom than you will ever need, or maybe you have three dozen plates for your family of four.
I'm afraid of paying too much money if I don't stock up now. There are good reasons to carefully stockpile the basic items you use regularly, as long as you have an organized place to store them. But there's no reason to have a year's worth of paper napkins or a lifetime supply of cleaning supplies lining the hallway or covering your bedroom floor.
I'm afraid of losing a valuable memory or an item with sentimental value. There's nothing wrong with keeping some of your childhood art projects, movie tickets from your first date with your spouse, or a small souvenir your mom gave you for graduation. However, if you keep everything that has ever mattered to you, none of it will have much value.
Yes, it's painful to throw away even the toys your child used to play with... but you have to! (photo: Unsplash.com)
How to overcome the problem
You are going to throw away some things, but you are scared. How do you start in this case? Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I really need this thing? What is the probability that I will need this thing? Think about the situation in which it might happen. What is the probability of this situation occurring?
- What can I replace it with if I need it?
- What's the worst thing that could happen if you don't have it?
- If the thing reminds you of a good thing, think about the fact that memories are stored in our hearts, not in things.
- Imagine that you are moving to another country - what will you take with you?
Mentally put the free space on one hand and the clutter and daily mess on the other. Which is more important to you?
Sources: Verywell Mind, Simple Everyday Home, WebMD.