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Why did Russia begin offensive in Kharkiv region: Response of Ukraine's Khortytsia military unit

Why did Russia begin offensive in Kharkiv region: Response of Ukraine's Khortytsia military unit Photo: Vovchansk, Kharkiv region (Getty Images)

Attempts of the Russian forces to advance in the border areas of the Kharkiv region are aimed precisely at pulling Ukrainian forces, means, and reserves to a new direction of the frontline, according to Nazar Voloshyn, spokesperson for the Khortytsia unit.

According to him, in addition to Vovchansk, the enemy has intensified its offensive in several other areas in the east over the past day. To prevent the Ukrainian Armed Forces from strengthening their forces and means in any other direction in the east and conducting an active offensive, the Russians resorted to such a maneuver in the north of the Kharkiv region.

"There is another version, which also has the right to exist - the Russian occupiers' attempts to advance in the border areas of the Kharkiv region are aimed precisely at pulling our forces, means, and reserves to a new direction of the frontline. After all, the enemy has basically opened a new front, and new hostilities have broken out on our border. At the same time, the enemy did not stop trying to attack the eastern front. The intensity of their attacks is not decreasing but is even relatively increasing," said Voloshyn.

He also noted that about 30,000 Russian troops in this area, which were reported yesterday, are the entire grouping of Russian troops located near the border in the Kharkiv region.

Only a part of them are involved in combat operations in the north of the Kharkiv region.

"I can't tell you the exact number, but as of now, it is up to five battalions of personnel. It is not static either, as it is changing," explained Voloshyn.

He also noted that the capture of Kharkiv was not the goal of the Russian army.

"But, as I said, this way they are trying to draw our defense forces from other areas to the new frontline they have opened," he added.

However, according to the spokesperson, the situation in the Kharkiv region is not critical.

"The situation is stabilizing. It is dynamic, but it is stabilizing. The General Staff provides official information every few hours about what is happening there at the moment. But the Defense Forces are stabilizing the situation," said Voloshyn.

In particular, Ukrainian Armed Forces units are controlling the situation in the Shebekino-Vovchansk area. The enemy has used 10 guided aerial bombs in this area over the day.

"Overall, the situation in the Volchansk sector is under control. In the morning, enemy losses in the area of Vovchansk amounted to four people and five units of military armored vehicles," added Voloshyn.

According to him, the Russians dropped 22 guided aerial bombs on the Vovchansk community yesterday and continue to attack with multiple launch rocket systems, artillery and drones. The enemy is trying to sow great panic among the population there and is spreading false information, convincing them of the threat coming from across the border.

At the same time, to save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers, the positions in the area of Lukiantsi were changed. Fighting is currently ongoing there.

"I won't speak about the settlements temporarily under the control of the occupiers, because the situation is dynamic and changing - we are pushing them to the border, and they are trying to push us back," said the spokesperson for the Khortytsia unit.

Russian offensive in Kharkiv region

Last week, Russian forces launched an offensive in the Kharkiv region. They managed to occupy several settlements along the front line.

In particular, the Russian forces are trying to advance to Vovchansk.

According to Oleksandr Lytvynenko, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, more than 30,000 Russian troops are involved in the offensive in the Kharkiv region.

According to the Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, the active phase of the Russian border operation is currently underway in the Kharkiv region. However, the Defense Forces have already blocked the enemy.