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White House: Funding gap puts Ukraine at risk of not being able of defending itself

White House: Funding gap puts Ukraine at risk of not being able of defending itself Photo: Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor (Getty Images)

Advisor to the U.S. President on National Security, Jake Sullivan, has stated that the United States' refusal to continue financial support to Ukraine could weaken its ability to defend itself against Russian aggression, writes The Guardian.

According to Sullivan, the inability to increase funding for the military campaign of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to deter Russian aggression will weaken Ukraine's ability to defend itself.

Sullivan added that if U.S. assistance is no longer provided, it could harm Ukraine's capabilities in maintaining control over its territories.

Zelenskyy's Visit to the U.S.

President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, arrived in the United States on December 11 at the invitation of President Joe Biden.

The Ukrainian head of state has already met with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Brown. He also had discussions with the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva.

It has also been reported that President Zelenskyy, on December 12, is visiting the U.S. Congress, where he had several scheduled meetings. In addition to the congressional visit, Zelenskyy is set to meet with President Biden.

For more details on President Zelenskyy's trip, you can find information in RBC-Ukraine's coverage.