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Which European countries will lose half of their population by 2100: Scientists shocked with forecast

Which European countries will lose half of their population by 2100: Scientists shocked with forecast Scientists have determined in which European countries the population could be halved (photo: Getty Images)

The demographic crisis is spreading across Europe, and it can only get worse in the coming decades. Scientists are concerned about the situation and have conducted a large-scale study to find out how much humanity could shrink by 2100, according to the UN report "World Population Prospects.".

Fertility rates in many countries are steadily declining, and in some places they fall below the replacement level required to maintain a stable population. This situation has been observed over the past decades, and according to scientists, it could get even worse.

Germany, Poland, Italy, and Ukraine will face particularly significant changes, with almost half of their populations likely to disappear in the future.

Germany is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe. According to researchers, this country may lose about 13.8 million people by 2100.

Poland, which is already experiencing demographic changes, could lose up to 18.8 million people. In Italy, a decline of 23.8 million people is projected.

The scientists also noted the situation in Ukraine. Our country is projected to lose up to 23.8 million people by 2100. And this reminds us that we need to find solutions to demographic problems.

Despite demographic crises and the downward trend in population, there are processes that can compensate for such costs - and this is migration, both intra-European and intercontinental.

For example, the UK and France are forecasting an increase in the number of residents due to the influx of migrants.

However, according to UN forecasts, only a small number of European countries will be able to increase their population by 2100. Now there are only 7 such countries and among them: Sweden, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.Які країни Європи втратять половину населення до 2100 року: вчені шокували прогнозом

How the population of Europe will change by 2100 (screenshot)