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What trait of man's character is most appreciated and respected by modern women

What trait of man's character is most appreciated and respected by modern women What character trait in a man is most attractive to women (photo:

Men often believe that women value intelligence, appearance, or financial status. However, it's much more complex, and modern women are attracted to different traits in men. This was demonstrated by researchers at the University of Göttingen in Germany, who surveyed over 64,000 women aged 18 to 40.

The trait women value and respect the most in men is discussed by Business Insider.

What do women look for in men? It seems like a simple question, but delving deeper reveals that understanding what truly attracts women can be challenging.

Researchers at the University of Göttingen have provided clarity on this topic by analyzing responses from 68,000 women aged 18 to 40 in 180 countries. They identified the most valued traits in men. According to their findings:

  • 88.9% of women consider kindness the most important trait in a man
  • 86.5% value support highly
  • 72.3% choose intelligence as a key trait.

Despite the importance of physical appearance in dating, only 22.3% of women selected an attractive body as a priority.

Thus, qualities like physical attractiveness, ambition, perseverance, and financial stability are secondary. The most crucial aspects for women are kindness and attentiveness.

"Kindness is like gravity—important, but often unnoticed until it's gone," says Virginia J. Vitzthum, a senior researcher at the Kinsey Institute.

"But kindness is key to the human capacity for forming the long-term social bonds so essential to our evolution. Without those bonds, and kindness to help us get through the inevitable rough patches, we wouldn't have survived and flourished," the researcher summarized.

Witte also noted that when people recognize the importance of emotional and intellectual qualities in a romantic partner, it undoubtedly helps them feel more confident in themselves.

The majority of people worldwide marry not because everyone is attractive or beautiful, but because they seek partners who share similar values and aspirations for their lives and future.

Only 2.5% of women worldwide preferred a highly muscular physique, while 44.8% chose an average build. 34.8% preferred a fit and athletic build.

Women also highlighted other important traits:

  • Intelligence
  • Self-confidence
  • Education
  • Tall stature

Psychologists explain that it’s no surprise that most women choose kindness. It is a sign of emotional maturity and the ability to empathize.

A man who shows kindness can create an atmosphere of safety and trust in a relationship. This is especially important for women who are seeking a stable and reliable partner.