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What should not be published in social networks: List

What should not be published in social networks: List What things should not be published on social networks (photo: Freepik)

Social media is where everyone showcases their lives. However, truly successful people don't share everything online. In particular, they refrain from posting certain things, according to Hack Spirit.

Personal data

People who value themselves are very careful with their personal data. They never post things like home address, phone number, or personal email address on social media.

All because it can lead to personal data theft or other serious problems.

Financial information

Another thing that should never be posted on social media is financial information. This includes details about salary and bank account information.

Firstly, it's a security issue. You never know who might see it and what they could do with that information.

It's always better not to flaunt wealth on public platforms.

Complaints about work or colleagues

It's never a good idea to express your work-related complaints on social media.

Of course, we all have days when things at work don't go as planned, or a colleague gets on our nerves. Instead of posting a complaint, it's better to acknowledge the challenge and draw conclusions.

Keep work-related grievances as far away from social media as possible. It's more professional.

Constant self-promotion

Smart individuals understand the importance of balance in their social media posts.

They avoid constant self-promotion. It's great to share achievements and progress, but if done too frequently, it can come across as boasting.

Offensive content

Smart individuals always pay attention to what they post and make sure it's not offensive. This includes jokes, memes, comments, or any content that could potentially offend someone.

Unverified information

It's essential to always verify the credibility of the information you share on social media. Never publish unverified news or information.

Experts have stated that false information spreads six times faster. So it's worth being cautious.

Offensive comments or replies

People should understand the power of their words and never use them to cause harm to others. Avoid writing offensive comments or replies on social media.

It's okay to disagree with someone, but always do so respectfully. Social media should be a place for healthy conversations and positive interactions.