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What is cognitive fatigue and how to handle it

What is cognitive fatigue and how to handle it How cognitive fatigue affects adults and children (photo: Freepik)

Quite often, people work until the very end without noticing how life passes by, the energy disappears, the desire to live brightly fades, and everything seems to follow a single script. The cause is exhaustion and stress, which become a way of life, according to Svitlana Roiz's comment on the How Are You platform, an Olena Zelenska initiative of the mental health program.

What is cognitive fatigue

In the case of prolonged stress, both adults and children experience cognitive exhaustion - a state of mental fatigue when there is too much mental work and responsibility, and there is a lack of rest, sleep, and relaxation.

Cognitive fatigue affects our emotional state and leads to problems with:

  • Concentration - one becomes inattentive and unable to focus.
  • Productivity - one works longer but gets tired much faster.
  • Perception of humor and metaphors - it may be perceived as mocking, especially when it comes to teenagers.
  • Planning - it becomes difficult to plan tasks or schedule a day.

What is cognitive fatigue and how to handle itHow cognitive fatigue affects adults and children (photo: Freepik)

How to prevent cognitive fatigue

To prevent this phenomenon, a psychologist recommends breaking down daily tasks into stages, with mandatory breaks for rest.

If it is a child, ask what stage he/she would like to start and note the completion of each one. Because even homework or cleaning may seem very difficult to them.

Take more breaks, go outside, go for short walks, and distract yourself from chats, news, and gadgets.

If you had a sleepless night, have 10-20 minutes just sitting with your eyes closed.

Don't forget to eat regularly and preferably warm meals. Also, stay hydrated.

Physical activity will benefit you - various exercises that you enjoy, meditation, creativity, talking with a psychologist, and mindfulness practices.

And also, don't forget to give yourself and your child peace of mind. Now is not the time to be a perfectionist. Don't blame yourself for mistakes. Instead, do something that will bring joy to both you and your child. Remember that joy is your energy.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.