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5:2 diet - Simple way to lose weight

5:2 diet - Simple way to lose weight 5:2 diet - Simple way to lose weight (

The 5:2 diet that gains popularity on TikTok is a type of intermittent fasting where you eat normally for five days a week and limit your calories to 500-600 for the other two days. This diet is more about when you eat rather than specific foods, making it a lifestyle rather than a strict plan, according to Eat This, Not That.

Is the 5:2 diet good for weight loss?

Yes, it can help create a calorie deficit, leading to weight loss. When you eat fewer calories, your body uses stored fat for energy. This diet may also reduce insulin levels and improve sensitivity. "During periods of reduced caloric intake insulin levels decrease, thus the body uses stored fat for fuel," nutritionist Lisa Young explains. "The body shifts to utilizing stored fat as a primary source of energy, and as a result, leading to fat loss over time."

However, Young believes this fasting method might not be sustainable for everyone in the long term.

5:2 diet - Simple way to lose weight

5:2 diet - Simple way to lose weight (

People say it is working

TikTok users claim success with the 5:2 diet. They share their experiences, emphasizing that sticking to the 500 calories on fasting days is crucial. They believe fasting is good not only for weight loss but also for overall health.

Tony Drake, a weight loss coach, supports the 5:2 diet, suggesting three things:

1) Eat the right nutrients during your regular eating days,

2) Follow the same routine on weekends,

3) Stay hydrated and active throughout the week.

Check out also 80/20 diet: Pros and cons for your health and effective lifehacks to save your figure.