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What foods should not be eaten for breakfast

What foods should not be eaten for breakfast Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Without a doubt, a nutritious breakfast should be a daily routine. Unfortunately, not all foods are recommended to eat on an empty stomach, according to Strona Zdrowia.

What is better not to eat for breakfast

Proper nutrition should be an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, and breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A balanced diet will give you the energy you need for studying and working. When planning your menu, choose foods that have undergone minimal processing and contain no added preservatives.

Eating healthy foods at the wrong time can cause adverse stomach problems. Many people complain that after eating certain foods in the morning, they experience unpleasant stomach discomfort, including:

  • Stomach pain
  • Heartburn

When choosing food, you should avoid fatty, hard-to-digest, and sugary products. Fried and fatty foods linger in the stomach for a long time and can cause bloating, a feeling of fullness in the intestines, and acid reflux. Highly sweetened foods can cause stomach cramps and nausea.

Foods you should not eat on an empty stomach

Some foods consumed on an empty stomach can cause discomfort and even severe stomach pain.

Fruits and citrus juices

Citrus fruits are considered healthy because they contain a large amount of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body's cells from oxidation. Including citrus fruits in your diet also provides dietary fiber that supports proper bowel function.

Despite their healing properties, oranges, tangerines, and other citrus fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Why? The fruit acids they contain irritate the stomach walls, causing an increase in gastric acid production, which exacerbates symptoms of heartburn and nausea.

Regular consumption of citrus fruits on an empty stomach can increase the risk of ulcers and stomach erosion.

Dairy products

Consuming dairy products on an empty stomach may not cause unpleasant stomach problems, but the lactic acid bacteria they contain will be neutralized by stomach acid.

If you want to fully benefit from the positive effects of yogurt, just add foods that are sources of carbohydrates and fats, such as oatmeal with nuts.

Hot spices

It is not advisable to add spicy spices to breakfast because the substances they contain, such as piperine, despite their healing properties, irritate the mucous membrane.

The stomach begins to produce an increased amount of gastric acid, intensifying the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the esophagus and throat.

To reduce the risk of unpleasant ailments, add spicy spices to lunch or an early dinner instead of breakfast.

Hard-to-digest foods - English breakfast

Classic English cuisine is famous for its fatty and hard-to-digest dishes. One of these is the English breakfast, popular worldwide.

A traditional meal must include fried bacon, boiled sausages, and pudding. This set is often accompanied by scrambled eggs, hash browns, and baked beans.

This calorie-fat bomb lingers in the stomach for a long time and can cause heartburn, stomach pain, bloating, nausea, and diarrhea.

It is worth replacing bacon and sausages with poultry cuts, scrambled eggs with poached eggs, hash browns with whole-grain bread, and baked beans with fresh vegetables. This alternative is not only easier to digest but also lower in calories.