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What 7 habits on first date may indicate low intelligence

What 7 habits on first date may indicate low intelligence What habits on a first date indicate low intelligence (photo:

A first date is a very exciting and thrilling moment, but it also comes with certain important nuances. It’s often on the first date that both partners decide whether to continue getting to know each other. That's why everyone tries to present themselves in the best light and hide certain bad habits.

Constantly checking your phone

Of course, if you’re expecting an important call or message, this is understandable, and it’s worth informing your date about it.

However, more often than not, the problem lies elsewhere – it’s very easy to fall into the habit of constantly checking your phone in the age of social media. On a first date, this can signal a lack of interest in the other person and a deficiency in basic communication skills.

Gossiping and negative comments

Talking about others, especially in a negative light or spreading gossip, is not the best conversation topic for a first date. This can create the impression of someone who lacks critical thinking and the ability to form their judgments.

Lack of personal opinion

When a woman on a first date agrees with everything her partner says, or vice versa, it might seem agreeable, but not in this case.

On a first date, such behavior can indicate an inability to express personal opinions and signal insecurity and a lack of independent thinking.

Excessive alcohol consumption

A glass of wine on a first date can help you relax, and there's nothing wrong with that. However, excessive drinking can lead to awkward situations and give the impression that a person cannot control their actions.

The same applies to men and alcohol on a first date. Excessive drinking can often lead to a woman’s reluctance to continue the interaction.

Disrespect towards staff

How you treat waiters, bartenders, or other staff members can quickly reveal a lot about you. Arrogance, disrespect, rudeness, and insolence may indicate a lack of empathy and social intelligence.

Lack of interest in the conversation partner

Talking only about yourself, constantly interrupting, and not asking questions about your partner all point to egocentrism and an inability to engage in dialogue. This also shows a lack of interest in the partner and their life.

Grammatical errors and vulgar language

Perfect command of language is not required, and people often forget or mix up words due to nervousness on a first date. However, frequent grammatical errors or the use of vulgar language can create a negative impression of one’s education and cultural level.