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War in Venezuela-Guyana: How it impacts focus on Ukraine - Expert insights

War in Venezuela-Guyana: How it impacts focus on Ukraine - Expert insights Photo: Will the war between Venezuela and Guyana affect attention to Ukraine (Getty Images)

The conflict between Venezuela and Guyana might momentarily divert media attention from the war in Ukraine, but substantial changes are unlikely. This perspective is outlined by Iliya Kusa, an analyst at the Ukrainian Institute of the Future.

As Kusa explained, the war between Israel and Hamas has shifted the focus on the war in Ukraine in the media. However, this has almost no impact on our situation.

"Everything remains the same as before. The issues regarding military aid to Ukraine in the United States were there before the war and, overall, remain the same, continuing to be linked to the same internal problems in the States as before," explained the expert.

In the case of a war between Venezuela and Guyana, according to the analyst from the Ukrainian Institute of the Future, the situation will not change significantly. The United States will be compelled to respond to the crisis, but not at the expense of military or financial aid to Ukraine.

"This is a separate issue (financial and military aid to Ukraine - ed.), which now depends more on the U.S. domestic political agenda than on Venezuela and the situation in Latin America," added the analyst.

Risk of war between Venezuela and Guyana

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has initiated the annexation process of Essequibo, a region in neighboring Guyana where oil and gas have been discovered. It constitutes two-thirds of the country's territory. For this, the country's leader will conduct a referendum.

According to the special representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in Latin America, Ruslan Spirin, the war between Venezuela and Guyana may divert attention from Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Find more about the conflict between Venezuela and Guyana and its potential impact on Ukraine in our article.