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War has no vacations. Zelenskyy calls on partners to speed up aid to Ukraine

War has no vacations. Zelenskyy calls on partners to speed up aid to Ukraine Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo: Getty Images)

The provision of military aid packages to Ukraine from Western partners should be accelerated, as war has no vacations, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Zelenskyy's call came against the backdrop of Western governments taking “summer vacations,” which means that almost nothing is happening politically. This, in turn, comes at a time when active hostilities are taking place at the frontline in Ukraine, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine's operation in the Kursk region of Russia continues.

“But we need to speed up the supply from our partners. We are asking for it. War has no vacations. We need solutions, we need timely logistics of the announced packages,” the president said.

Zelenskyy emphasized that he is now particularly appealing to the United States, the United Kingdom, and France.

Help from partners

The White House recently announced new military aid packages for Ukraine. According to John Kirby, Strategic Communications Coordinator for the National Security Council, they will be announced in the coming days.

Yesterday, the Ukrainian president said that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, Britain demonstrated real leadership in supporting Kyiv. However, according to Zelenskyy, the situation has changed somewhat recently.

Ukraine has not yet received permission from the UK to launch its missiles at Russian territory. Currently, Ukraine receives long-range missiles not only from the UK. France and the United States also provide these weapons.

However, these countries have set a condition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. According to them, the Ukrainian military should not use their weapons for long-range strikes on Russian territory.