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Venezuela and Guyana reached agreement to settle the conflict

Venezuela and Guyana reached agreement to settle the conflict President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro (photo: Getty Images)

The presidents of Venezuela and Guyana have initiated a dialogue to resolve the conflict, according to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

The presidents of Venezuela and Guyana have agreed to peacefully resolve the dispute over the Essequibo territory and continue negotiations. Both sides declared that they will not use force.

The two presidents met in the capital of the Caribbean state, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. After the negotiations, Nicolas Maduro and Muhammad Irfaan Ali shook hands, accompanied by applause from the participants.

The meeting was mediated by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Nicolas Maduro proposed conducting high-level talks during phone negotiations with regional heads of state, including Brazilian President Lula da Silva.

Conflict between Venezuela and Guyana

Venezuela and Guyana have been unable to agree on the ownership of the Essequibo territory. Venezuela claims that this territory was ceded to it after gaining independence from Spain, while Guyana asserts that it was part of British Guiana, which later became independent Guyana.

On December 3, Venezuela held a referendum on the annexation of part of neighboring Guyana. According to the authorities, with a reported 50% voter turnout, the results were 95%. There were no visible queues or a mass influx of people during the referendum.

On December 6, it was revealed that Maduro announced the annexation of Guyana's territory. The Venezuelan leader presented a new map of the country on television, including the Essequibo region.

Later, Maduro issued a decree annexing part of Guyana's territory, the Essequibo.

On December 9, it became known about the agreement for a meeting between the presidents of Venezuela and Guyana.

More information on the conflict between Venezuela and Guyana and how it could affect Ukraine, you can read the article by RBC-Ukraine.