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Ukrainian champion Usyk's detention in Poland: Everything known about incident

Ukrainian champion Usyk's detention in Poland: Everything known about incident Photo: Oleksandr Usyk (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

World heavyweight champion Oleksandr Usyk was detained at Krakow Airport (Poland) yesterday evening. Later, the Ukrainian boxer was released, and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to investigate the incident.

RBC-Ukraine has compiled all the details about Usyk's detention in the material below.


What is known about the detention

The first to report on the boxer’s detention was Ukrainian MP Zhan Beleniuk. He posted a video on his Telegram channel showing Usyk interacting with people in uniform, after which he is seen being led away in handcuffs.

Later, Beleniuk reported that the Ukrainian boxer was expected to be released soon.

"Everything seems okay; soon they should release Sanya (Oleksandr-ed.). Details, I believe, he will explain himself," the MP wrote.

Meanwhile, the boxer’s wife, Kateryna Usyk, shared on her Instagram stories that "everything is fine, nothing criminal." She also added that "later Oleksandr Usyk will explain everything."

In a comment to RBC-Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed that on the instructions of Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha, the Ukrainian consulate general in Poland had already been sent to Krakow Airport to clarify the circumstances of the situation.

"The Ukrainian side categorically does not accept the attitude towards its citizen and champion demonstrated in the video. Moreover, Minister Andrii Sybiha has already contacted his Polish counterpart to resolve the situation immediately. The minister also instructed the consulate general to express protest and indignation at such treatment," said MFA spokesperson Heorhii Tykhyi.

Usyk: 'It was a misunderstanding'

Usyk was later released. The boxer’s promoter, Oleksandr Krasyuk, posted on Instagram stories that "everything is fine" and "no one was arrested."

"Usyk is free. It was a misunderstanding," Krasyuk stated.

The team’s director, Serhii Lapin, also commented on the situation.

"Don’t worry, everything is fine. The customs control service neglected its duties! Usyk himself thanked the Ukrainian diplomats for their support. And respect to the Polish law enforcement officers who carry out their duties regardless of height, weight, arm span, and accolades," he wrote on social media.

After his detention in Poland, Usyk recorded a video message from his hotel room. In it, he mentioned that "it was a misunderstanding."

"Everything is great. I am free. There were some misunderstandings. I want to thank the Ukrainian Ambassador in Poland, and personally, our President, who was very concerned about this and personally resolved the issue. Thank God and glory to Ukraine. I am free. No need to crown me," the boxer said.

Zelenskyy instructed to address the incident

In turn, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy instructed the heads of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to investigate the reasons behind the incident.

"I spoke on the phone with Oleksandr Usyk when he was detained. I was outraged by such treatment of our citizen and champion. I instructed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Andrii Sybiha, and the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ihor Klymenko, to immediately investigate all the details of the incident at Krakow Airport. I have just been informed that everything is already fine, our champion has been released, and no one is detaining him anymore," Zelenskyy said.

Sybiha, in turn, stated that the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs would send a note to Poland regarding Usyk's detention.

"We consider such actions disproportionate and unacceptable towards our champion and will send a corresponding note to the Polish side," the Minister of Foreign Affairs wrote on social media.

Reasons for the detention

The Ukrainian boxer did not specify the exact reason for his detention. However, Polish promoter Andrzej Wasilewski, citing Usyk's manager Oleksandr Krasyuk, provided an explanation to the news agency Przeglad Sportowy.

According to Wasilewski, the incident occurred because airport services allegedly did not want to allow Usyk’s friend to board for unclear reasons. Usyk responded by refusing to fly alone and protested his friend’s detention, leading to both of them being detained.

He emphasized that Usyk's behavior was calm, adding that he is "top-notch and elegant, always respects the law."

Sports portal ESPN, referencing its own source, reported a different version. It claimed that Usyk was detained due to "unsuitable conditions for flight" for him and his trainer.

The news agency noted that the Ukrainian boxer tried to explain that they were simply tired after a 14-hour trip from Kyiv to Krakow, but due to a language barrier and his firm stance, a misunderstanding occurred. This happened during their departure to Valencia, where Usyk is preparing for a rematch with Tyson Fury, tentatively scheduled for December 24, 2024.

Why Usyk was handcuffed

Jacek Michałowski, spokesperson for the Carpathian Division of the Polish Border Guard Service, told Dziennik Polski that "it was not an arrest but an escort to a service area."

According to Michałowski, one of the passengers was not allowed to board the plane, and Usyk, in turn, said he would not fly without him. Since they did not want to leave the departure area, the flight was delayed. Border guards were then called to handle the situation.

Michałowski explained that the handcuffs were used due to Usyk's height. Additionally, both Ukrainians "were gesticulating strongly because they were dissatisfied with not being able to fly."

"The use of handcuffs was purely preventive, and they were removed as soon as they were in the service room, where the rules were explained to them," said the Polish border guard, adding that a Ukrainian consul also arrived at the scene to provide translation.

He added that, according to Border Guard procedures, no further action was required.

"Both men were given a warning. While in our room, they expressed, one could say, remorse," Major Michałowski added.

As a result, the Ryanair flight from Krakow to Thessaloniki, which Usyk and his trainer were supposed to take, departed with a 50-minute delay.

Sources: Telegram channels of Ukrainian MP Zhan Beleniuk, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, statements from Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha, social media pages of Oleksandr and Kateryna Usyk, an exclusive comment from MFA spokesperson Heorhii Tykhyi, and materials from Dziennik Polski, ESPN, and Przeglad Sportowy.