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US comments on media investigation into Russia’s adoption of abducted Ukrainian children

US comments on media investigation into Russia’s adoption of abducted Ukrainian children Photo: Since February 24, Russia has deported hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to Russia (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Advisor to the President of the United States Jake Sullivan says that the White House has new and credible reports that the Russian authorities are placing abducted Ukrainian children on Russian adoption sites. He notes that what Russia is doing is terrible.

"This is despicable and appalling. These Ukrainian children belong with their families inside Ukraine. Russia is waging a war not just against the Ukrainian military – but against the Ukrainian people," he says.

Biden's advisor adds that since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russian troops and other Russian officials have deported hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilians, including children, to Russia.

He also recalls the US President's statement that "Russia is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine." He adds that America "We will continue to stand with the Ukrainian people as we help them defend against Russia’s barbaric war of aggression."

The UK business magazine Financial Times has discovered four new profiles of abducted Ukrainian children on Russian adoption websites.

According to the journalists, the children were abducted from state-run orphanages and separated from their guardians and relatives in cities that were captured by the Russian army. The children's ages, according to the publication, are between 8 and 15 years old.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that the United States would help Ukraine restore and protect its energy sector from Russian strikes.