ua en ru

Four profiles of abducted Ukrainian children appear on Russian adoption websites - FT

Four profiles of abducted Ukrainian children appear on Russian adoption websites - FT Photo: 4 profiles of kidnapped Ukrainian children appeared on Russian adoption sites (Getty Images)

Four new profiles of abducted Ukrainian children have appeared on Russian adoption websites, the Financial Times informs.

According to the source, information about four Ukrainian children who were abducted by Russians in the early months of the full-scale invasion has appeared on Russian adoption websites.

Tools such as image recognition, public records, interviews with Ukrainian officials, and relatives of the children were used for identification.

The obtained data only add to the evidence, which, according to the International Criminal Court, Ukrainian officials, and legal experts, indicates probable war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Russia.

According to the Financial Times, the children were taken from state orphanages and separated from their guardians and relatives in cities that came under the control of the Russian army.

The ages of the children, according to FT, range from 8 to 15 years old.

Arrest warrants for representatives of the Russian Federation

The International Criminal Court in The Hague has already issued a series of arrest warrants for Russian officials and military personnel. The first to receive arrest warrants were the Russian President Vladimir Putin and the children's ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova.

It should be noted that Lvova-Belova adopted a child illegally deported from Mariupol.

Ukraine continues to fight for the release of abducted children and their return to Ukraine. In particular, the Main Intelligence Directorate has launched a registry of kidnappers of children from Ukraine.