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Ukrainians on what relations with Russia should be like

Ukrainians on what relations with Russia should be like Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

As of May 2024, 75% of Ukrainians believe that relations with Russia should include closed borders, visas, and customs, citing data from a KIIS (Kyiv International Institute of Sociology) survey.

Only 12% would like the countries to be friendly, and only 0.3% would like the countries to unite as one.

Evolution of views

According to sociologists, before the Revolution of Dignity, the majority of Ukrainians (70%) wanted to see the countries as independent but friendly states. Only 15% insisted that relations should include closed borders, visas, and customs. A significant portion of respondents (12%) even wanted unification into one state.

After the occupation of Crimea and the start of the war in Donbas, the share of those who believed relations should be like with other states significantly increased (from 15% to 44%), although still, 48% thought the countries should remain friendly (the share of those advocating for unification decreased to 5%).

Immediately after the large-scale invasion, the share of those who wanted closed borders, visas, and customs with Russia increased to 79%. By May 2024, the figure remains practically unchanged and has only slightly decreased.

KIIS commentary

As noted by Anton Hrushetskyi, Deputy Director of KIIS, the absolute majority of Ukrainians want a separation from Russia and Russians.

"In 2020, 57% of Ukrainians believed that in the future, Ukraine would be able to normalize relations with Russia, but now it can be confidently said that the absolute majority of Ukrainians (rightly) do not want anything to do with Russia and Russians and will perceive them as enemies for many years to come," he said.

The Kyiv International Institute of Sociology conducted its survey from May 16 to 22, 2024. The sample did not include residents of territories temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian government.

Ukrainians generally have a negative attitude toward six countries worldwide. The worst attitudes are towards Russia (-92.6%) and its allies - Belarus (-79.5%), Iran (-72.3%), China (-54.2%), and Hungary (-28.6%).