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Ukrainian top general participates in Ramstein meeting for the first time

Ukrainian top general participates in Ramstein meeting for the first time Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi (Photo: facebook com vzaluznyj)
Author: Daria Shekina

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, participated for the first time in a meeting within the Ramstein format, according to his Telegram channel.

"Provided detailed information to our partners regarding the situation on the battlefield. Noted that the front remains complex but controlled. The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue defensive and offensive operations. Reported on Russian actions, threats, and their likely plans in the near future," wrote Zaluzhnyi.

He also thanked partners for their coalition efforts, significantly strengthening Ukraine's positions and capabilities.

"The announced aid packages will bolster Ukraine's air defense system, artillery, EW, and other vital components," he emphasized.

Today marks the start of Ramstein-17

It's the 17th meeting of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine. Traditionally, it was opened by the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

It's anticipated that partners will discuss reinforcing Ukraine's air defense and urgent needs on the front line today.