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Ukrainian partisans uncover large Russian ammunition depot in Donetsk Region

Ukrainian partisans uncover large Russian ammunition depot in Donetsk Region Photo: In Donetsk region, partisans found a large Russian artillery depot (Getty Images)

Partisans in Donetsk Region discovered a large depot of Russian shells, with artillery being delivered there by trucks over several days, the partisan movement ATESH reports.

"An agent from the ranks of the 36th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade of the Russian Federation provided us with information about the location of a new field artillery depot near the village of Berestove in Donetsk region," the message says.

The partisans learned that for several days, large quantities of ammunition boxes were being delivered to the depot by KamAZ and URAL trucks, intended for further shipment to the front.

Ukrainian partisans uncover large Russian ammunition depot in Donetsk Region

Partisan surveillance of Russian invaders in Donetsk region

Partisans are continuously monitoring the movements of occupants in the Donetsk region and conducting reconnaissance on key sites involved in supplying Russian troops.

For example, the partisans previously located a Russian command post in the village of Starodubivka in the Donetsk region, situated in hangars within a wooded area.

Additionally, partisans discovered another Russian command post in the village of Yevhenivka, where the entrance is concealed through a barn for better camouflage.