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Ukrainian partisans carry out sabotage on strategic railway in Kursk region

Ukrainian partisans carry out sabotage on strategic railway in Kursk region Illustrative photo: Ukrainian partisans organized a sabotage on a railroad in the Kursk region (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Representatives of the Ukrainian movement have disrupted the operations of a key railway line in the Kursk region that is vital for the logistics of the Russian army. Russia utilizes this line for supplying military equipment and munitions, according to the Ukrainian ATESH partisan movement.

"Our agents detonated a relay cabinet on one of the key railway branches through which the Russian Armed Forces deliver equipment and ammunition to the Kursk section of the front," the ATESH partisan movement states.

Partisans emphasized that this railway line holds strategic significance for Russians, as it provides constant supplies to troops at the front.

The ATESH group noted that disrupting the operations of this line "weakens logistical support and complicates the transportation of critical military equipment."

"As long as the Russian Armed Forces continue to feel secure, we will keep striking their vital infrastructure," the ATESH group added.

The resistance movement also released footage online regarding the sabotage carried out in the Kursk region. Judging by the provided map, the operation took place in an area between Kursk and Zolotukhino in the northern part of the region.

Situation in the Kursk region

On September 28, Vadym Mysnyk, spokesperson for the Siversk Operational and Tactical Group, reported that Russian troops were redeploying new forces to the Kursk direction. However, despite this, Russians are still forced to extend deadlines, he explained.

Recently, Andrii Kovalenko, head of the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, pointed out that the Russian troops have failed the Kremlin’s plan to reclaim the Kursk region by October. Meanwhile, he noted, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are achieving success in this direction.

Earlier, the ATESH partisan movement reported that Russian troops were transferring equipment from the Kherson direction to the Kursk region. Before this, they are repairing it in occupied Crimea.

Additionally, in today’s report by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), it is noted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have recently advanced in the Glushkovsky district of the Kursk region.