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Russia strengthens Kursk direction, but still postpones deadlines

Russia strengthens Kursk direction, but still postpones deadlines Russia deploys new forces to the Kursk direction (photo: Getty Images)

Russia is deploying new forces in the Kursk direction. However, even so, they still have to postpone the deadlines, states Vadym Mysnyk, spokesperson for the Siversk Operational and Tactical Group.

Mysnyk urged not to pay too much attention to the statements of Russian propaganda. According to him, the Russians are indeed deploying new and even better units, but this is still not enough.

“We will defeat the enemy and extend their deadlines, which lead to nothing. Their first deadline has almost passed, and now the second one will also pass... Let them try - we are meeting them here, and they feel it,” emphasized Mysnyk.

Earlier, the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation, Andrii Kovalenko, noted that the Russians had failed the Kremlin's plan to recapture the Kursk region by October. He also noted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are making progress in this area.

A similar statement was made by Bild. According to the newspaper, Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced in mid-August that the Russian army should regain full control of the entire territory of the Kursk region by October 1. However, their counteroffensive failed.