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Ukrainian Navy reports presence of Russian missile carriers in Black and Azov Seas

Ukrainian Navy reports presence of Russian missile carriers in Black and Azov Seas Russian ship in the sea (photo:

As of 06:00 on August 19, no enemy ships armed with Kalibr cruise missiles have been detected in the Black and Azov Seas, according to the morning report from the Ukrainian Navy.

At the same time, one Russian vessel has been detected in the Mediterranean Sea. However, it is not a Kalibr missile carrier, so there is no missile threat from the three seas.

Additionally, the military reported that over the past day, the following vessels transited the Kerch Strait on behalf of Russia:

  • to the Black Sea - 7 ships, 6 of which continued towards the Bosporus Strait;
  • to the Azov Sea - 5 ships, none of which were moving from the Bosporus Strait.

The Navy also noted that Russia continues to violate the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) by disabling Automatic Identification Systems (AIS).