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Ukrainian intelligence struck three industrial facilities inside Russia - Sources

Ukrainian intelligence struck three industrial facilities inside Russia - Sources Illustrative photo: Main Directorate of Intelligence attacked three important objects on the territory of Russia (Getty Images)

Three crucial industrial facilities were targeted on Russian territory overnight on May 12. The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense was behind this operation, as reported by RBC-Ukraine's sources.

As sources indicate, the Volgograd oil refinery was attacked overnight. Additionally, the Kaluganefteprodukt oil depot in the town of Lyudinovo and the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant were targeted.

According to sources, military targets were hit in these attacks. They all were carried out by the Main Intelligence Directorate.

It's worth noting that these Russian facilities have previously been targeted by Ukrainian intelligence services. For example, the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant has been under the surveillance of Ukrainian drones at least twice.

One of Russia's largest similar plants, which supplies materials to Russian military forces, was attacked in February and April 2024. According to reports, it produced raw materials for Russian companies involved in nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.

Explosions in Russia on May 12

Residents of the Volgograd region complained of explosions overnight in the Chervonoyarmiysky district. It is known that the explosions occurred at a local oil refinery, after which a fire broke out there.

It was reported online that drones attacked the oil refinery.

Other attacks on oil refineries

As reported by sources from RBC-Ukraine, last night drones from the Main Intelligence Directorate also targeted the Volgograd oil refinery, owned by Lukoil.

According to sources, the primary oil processing units AVT-1 and AVT-6 were damaged, as well as the control cable for air coolers and the smokestack of furnace P-1.