Ukrainian forces approach Russia's 'dragon's teeth' on the Southern front

According to CNN, Ukrainian Armed Forces have allegedly advanced close to Russia's "dragon's teeth" on a section of the front in the Zaporizhzhia region.
The incident was possibly captured in a video circulated by Russians in the area east of the small villages of Nove and Kharkove in the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine.
Photo: Zaporizhzhia region on July 27, at 21:57 (local time) (deepstatemap).
"The video was taken from a Russian military position and shows a Ukrainian military vehicle moving in a field, heading toward a ditch in front of a large row of "dragon's teeth" — concrete and rebar pyramids that can serve as barriers against tanks," CNN writes.
What are the "dragon's teeth"?
The "dragon's teeth" are square-pyramidal fortifications made of reinforced concrete, measuring 90-120 cm in height.
According to satellite imagery, the Russians have installed "dragon's teeth" across the entire territory they have occupied. The structures are arranged in three rows stretching for hundreds of kilometers.
Frontline situation
As previously reported by the Institute for the Study of War, the Kremlin seeks to portray the counter-offensive by Ukrainian forces as unsuccessful in an attempt to boost the morale of the occupiers. Meanwhile, Ukrainian troops continue their counter-offensive operations on multiple fronts and have achieved significant progress.